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Get your content planning template

Content matrix template image_8Feb 1200

Answering the 'big five' questions for creating the perfect life science marketing content

Attracting the attention of your prospects isn't always as easy as you would expect. With buyer behaviour shifting in an industry rich in life science content, it's becoming even harder to stand out. 

In order to help you put in place the 'they ask, you answer' approach—where you take a look at the 'big five' questions that your prospects are most likely to ask, and map out content that addresses those questions—we've created a handy template that you can download for free. 

By using the template, you will be able to:

  • Understand the most common questions that your prospects are likely to ask during the buyer's journey
  • Align those questions to sit within the 'big five' 
  • Start to understand the content you can produce that will answer those questions, and ultimately help drive traffic to your website and interest to your company's products/services

You can access it by filling in the form on this page.

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